Meditation Programmes (書寫靜心、黏土小品及心靈樽製作)
手作療癒樂 ‧ 書寫靜心
手作療癒樂 ‧ 黏土小品
手作療癒樂 ‧ 心靈樽
In response to the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, our centre organized a series of ZOOM programmes in order to enhance service users' mental health and to promote mindfulness. We made use of calligraphy, clay making and mind jar as part of meditation practice. It was the merger of art and mindfulness that facilitated the participants to experience a meditative state of mind.
A total of 42 participants joined these programmes. We received positive feedbacks from the participants revealing that they were satisfied with the experiences.
手作療癒樂 ‧ 書寫靜心 - Calligraphy letter samples prepared by the worker
Artworks shared by the participants
Artworks shared by participants